Today I want to talk about how we see people.
I am in my last year of school and the way I have seen some people behave down the years is shocking.
Now don’t get me wrong. I have moved with the cliques and changed to try and be accepted but as a small few of us have learnt near the end of our school lives (sadly some still have not learned it in later life) you get accepted for who you are, not who other people want you to be.
Do some people just have such a need to be accepted that they will do anything? Backstab their true friends to get in with the so called popular kids - the people who will bring you into a world of fake smiles and back stabbing……?
Sorry but that is no way to be.
I was like that once. I did things that were just not me just to be accepted - got the feeling of belonging yet, as I learned it was not a good feeling, I was always below the people in the clique ... the lack dog as you would say, till one day I said I’ll be myself, make friends that like me for who I am and not who they want me to be.
Now it has been two years since that decision and I couldn’t be happier.
Having people around you who are easy to be around, whom you can joke with and not have to watch what you say around - that is a group you should be in. They are your friends.
It saddens me when I walk around the school and see that some of the kids going around changing themselves, making fun of other kids and bullying them for the way they look or for their hair, hell or for just trying something new - and for what? Just to get a laugh? To get ahead in the group that was doing that to them the year previous?
In this social circle of life why do we want to be those people of no trust, talking behind each others backs and making fun of everyone who is the tiniest bit different to people outside their clique?
So next time you find yourself running around after people to be accepted, ask yourself why do you want to be accepted into that if they cant accept you for who you are inside and out?